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Case Study

Cloudorizon Build a Consistent Social Media Brand Presence


Information & Technology

“The plan is absolutely perfect for us. You deliver all you promise, for £100 per month - it’s quite awesome.”
Lee Cunningham

Case Study

Building a Consistent Social Media Brand Presence

Cloudorizon uses multiple, complimentary low code technologies to solve integration and automation challenges for their customers. Describing themselves as a digital enablement company, they believe integration is the key component to success in the digital economy.

We chatted to Lee Cunningham, Cloudorizon’s founder, about his experience working with 100 Pound Social

Before working with us, Lee described the company’s social media marketing as ‘a bit of a mess’ consistency wise. They understood the need to have a social presence, but being a small business, didn’t have the time to do this.

Now they’re on our Posts Plan, with regular posts to Cloudorizon’s LinkedIn and Twitter pages.

The Challenge

Finding Time for Social Media Consistency

Cloudorizon struggled to find time to do anything in the social media marketing space, and what they did manage to produce was, Lee felt, “really hit and miss”. 

“Someone might write posts one week in a certain style, someone else might do it the next month in a completely different style. There was no consistency, no consistent message, no concerted effort.”

“That building of a brand, awareness of who you are, and creation of expertise or perceived expertise is vitally important to what we do.”

The company were looking for help to build a consistent social media brand presence online, and our marketing outreach triggered Lee’s interest.

“I actually did something which I never do, and went and and had a look at your website. Then I met with the 100 Pound Social Team who were very charming, plausible and believable.”

“I also liked that you don’t have to sign up for a long term, it’s flexible. That’s a big tick.”

The Solution

Regular Brand-Boosting Posts on Social Media

Lee signed up for our expert Posts Plan, featuring regular posts to the company’s Twitter and company LinkedIn, and Instagram pages. 

Every month, a dedicated Content Creator and Editor handcraft posts for Cloudorizon’s social media accounts. 

Lee says the posts “just work”, adding, “I don’t know how you do it, but you nail what we want without a huge amount of input from us at all.”

Lee was also happy with the onboarding process, saying “It obviously worked, because you nailed it with the subjects that you write about on our behalf.”

Posts Crafted

Click on a post to make it larger

 “Somehow you kind of magically understand exactly what it is I’m trying to say. I find the plan fantastic. Very easy, with no friction whatsoever.”

The Results

An Improved Brand Presence and Increased Following

Now, Cloudorizon have a regular brand presence online, and as Lee reports, have increased their social media following.

“It provides that assurance to clients that we’re a credible business.  The whole idea behind signing up for the plan was to give it a try and see if it worked. And it did.”

Lee also reports that Workato, for whom Cloudorizon are a Platinum Partner, were impressed with the company’s improved social media marketing.

“I had a meeting with Workato, and they were really happy with what we’re doing on the social media side of things, which is very, very important to us.”

“As soon as I talk to anyone about our social media, I recommend 100 Pound Social. It’s an excellent service.”

 “The plan gives us a presence in social media that we’ve never had – that crucial credibility.”

If you’re ready to raise visibility of your company on social media and generate new business, we’d love for you to work with 100 Pound Social.

Click here to select a plan and sign up.

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Victoria Lee

Victoria Lee

Victoria Parrott

Victoria Parrott

Marisa Maxwell

Marisa Maxwell

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