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Case Study

How 100 Pound Social Creates Industry-Specific Social Media Content for Asset Management Academy


Professional Training & Coaching

“Getting a consistent flow of high quality images and content out there is attracting more followers.”
Tom Elner
Managing Director, Asset Management Academy

Case Study

Building a Consistent Strategy with Industry-Specific Social Media Content

Asset Management Academy are a leading, dedicated Asset Management training business. With expert trainers across the globe, the company offers comprehensive, certified, in-person or eLearning courses.

We chatted to Tom Elner, Managing Director of Asset Management Academy, about his experience working with 100 Pound Social.

Before working with us, the team at Asset Management Academy recognised the need for a consistent, engaging social media presence, but simply didn’t have time to post regularly. 

As Tom recalls, “we just didn’t have the resources to get good, industry-specific content out there. We wanted that consistent presence, but it just wasn’t happening.”

Now they’re on our Posts Plan, with regular posts each week to the company’s LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.

The Challenge

Boosting Audience Engagement and Online Presence

Aside from a lack of time, Tom says that the team at Asset Management Academy suffered from a ‘creative block’ when it came to social media.

“There was lack of imaginative content coming out generally. It was kind of like, oh, we need to post something. And I’m not a copywriter – I don’t know how to make these things appeal and be more clickable.”

The company wanted to boost their engagement and professional image on their socials, with a consistent ‘drumbeat’ and presence.

Tom first heard of 100 Pound Social via our own marketing output. He recalls his first impressions were very positive. 

“You’ve got a very professional image, and a great, diverse team. The whole brand and colour scheme is nice too, you feel like a really warm, approachable company.”

The Solution

A Regular, Professional, Industry-Specific Content Strategy

Asset Management Academy signed up for our Posts Plan, with regular posts each week to the company’s LinkedIn and Twitter pages. 

A dedicated Content Creator and Editor team handcraft posts for their social media accounts on a monthly basis. 

“We’re getting some really good, industry-specific posts. And the imagery is always spot on. As I scroll through, I think it looks really good, and professional.”

“Clearly you’ve got a good team of copywriters.”

Tom reports his experience of working with the team at 100 Pound Social has been “really easy”, with quick responses to any queries from his Customer Success Manager.

He particularly likes the Content Panel, saying it helps with his visibility of the “great content coming through.” 

Posts Crafted

Click on a post to make it larger

“With 100 Pound Social, it was a case of right time, right place. And at this price, it was a no-brainer.”

The Solution

A Consistent Social Media ‘Drumbeat’ and Heightened Online Engagement

With our expert social media help, Asset Management Academy have the regular ‘drumbeat’ they were looking for across their socials. Tom reports that the company’s followers continue to grow. 

‘We’re seeing an increase in followers on LinkedIn. There’s definitely more engagement, and the content is appealing to a wider base  – better than I would be able to craft myself because I think I’m far too niche with it.”

“I can just leave things on autopilot  – the posts keep rolling in, and I reap the benefits. It’s a huge time saver, as well as a business enhancement.” 

“It’s beyond timesaving. There’s a consistency of quality content that we just couldn’t match, and we couldn’t employ somebody in-house to do anything close to what you guys are for the price point.”


If you’re ready to raise visibility of your company on social media and generate new business, we’d love for you to work with 100 Pound Social.

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Victoria Lee

Victoria Lee

Victoria Parrott

Victoria Parrott

Marisa Maxwell

Marisa Maxwell

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